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(updated January 2023)


London Business School                        
Associate Professor with Tenure, Organisational Behaviour.                                                (awarded early tenure)


Personal Circumstances: 
Recurrent pregnancies and miscarriages                                                                                        (bereavement leave requested, denied)
Fertility treatments (IVF, 4 rounds, ongoing)                                                                                     


Assistant Professor, Organisational Behaviour                                                                             


Stanford University                                                                                                                                
Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, with Dr. Nalini Ambady















Stanford University                                                                            Department of Psychology (Social Area)                                          

Columbia University                                                                       

Major: Psychology, Minor: English Literature

Ph.D., September 2011

M.A., September 2007



B.A., May 2003


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Board, Sage: FTSE 100, 3rd largest supplier of enterprise resource software globally, over 13,000 employees and over 6 million customers


Keywords: diversity, intergroup relations, implicit theories, mindsets, underrepresentation, prejudice confrontation, sense of belonging, inequality, race, gender, LGBTQ. 


Short Summary: My research shows that it would be impossible to promote diversity and equity in society and the workplace without an understanding of lay theories (or mindsets). My research seeks to identify messages that promote belonging among minorities and women in industries where they are underrepresented, to better understand how people can be effective in speaking out against bias, and to extend the theory of mindsets to the workplace.


Ee Hwee Lau (3rd year Ph.D. student)


Eva Lin (4th year Ph.D. student)

  • Inaugural winner, Future of Work Research Prize, University of Zurich Center for Leadership in the Future of Work, 2021.


Ezgi Ozgumus (5th year Ph.D. student)


Oriane Georgeac, Ph.D. (2020, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at Yale School of Management, started Fall 2020)

  • Dissertation Title: The Business Case for Diversity Backfires: Detrimental Effects of Organizations’ Instrumental Diversity Rhetoric for Underrepresented Group Members’ Sense of Belonging and Performance.

    • Winner, Best Paper Based on a Dissertation Award, Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division, Academy of Management, 2021.

    • Finalist (top 3), Best Dissertation Award, Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP), 2021.

    • Finalist (top 3), Best Dissertation Award, Society for Business Ethics, 2021.

    • Finalist (top 3), William C. Frederick Social Issues in Management (SIM) Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2022.


Lily Jampol, Ph.D. (Postdoctoral Fellow, Newton International Fellowship 2015-2017, now Head of People Science at ReadySet)


* denotes equal first authorship, underline denotes current or former Ph.D. student, postdoc, or mentee.


Madan, S., Ma, A., Pandey, N., Rattan, A., & Savani, K. (in press). Support for Increasing Low Wage Workers’ Compensation: The Role of Fixed-Growth Mindsets about Intelligence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.


Lau, E., Rattan, A., Romero-Canyas, R. & Savani, K. (in press). Culturally relevant frames increase individual’s motivation to contribute to carbon emissions offsets. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.


Rattan, A.*, Kroeper, K.*, Arnett, R., Brown, X., & Murphy, M. (in press). Not such a complainer anymore: Confrontation that signals a growth mindset can undercut backlash. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.


Jampol, L.*, Rattan, A.*, & Wolf, E.B. (2022). A bias toward kindness in performance feedback to women. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.


Georgeac, O.A.M. & Rattan, A. (2022). The business case for diversity backfires: Detrimental effects of organizations’ instrumental diversity rhetoric for underrepresented group members’ sense of belonging. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,


Georgeac, O.A.M. & Rattan, A. (2022). Understanding progress toward social equality: A model of signals and sensemaking. Current Opinion in Psychology, 44, 12-17.


Wilton, L. & Rattan, A., Abrams, S., & Genao-Perez, Y. (2022). Lay beliefs about who can bridge the Black-White racial gap during interracial exchanges. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13, 533-542.


Rattan, A., & Ozgumus, E. (2021). Embedding mindsets in context: Theoretical considerations and opportunities for studying fixed-growth lay theories in the workplace. Research in Organizational Behavior, 100127.


Murphy, M., Mejia, A., Mejia, J., Yan, X., Cheryan, S., Dasgupta, N., Destin, M., Fryberg, S., Garcia, J.A., Haines, E.L., Harackiewicz, J., Ledgerwood, A., Moss-Racusin, C.A., Park, L.E., Perry, S.P., Ratliff, K.A., Rattan, A., Sanchez, D.T., Savani, K., Sekaquaptewa, D., Smith, J.L., Taylor, V.T., Thoman, D.B., Wout, D.A., Mabry, P.L., Ressl, S., Diekman, A., Pestilli, F. (2020). Open science, communal culture, and women's participation in the movement to improve science. Proceedings of the National Academies of Science, 117(39), 24154-24164.


Brands, R. & Rattan, A. (2020). Perceived Centrality in Social Networks Increases Women’s Expectations of Confronting Sexism. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. DOI:0146167220912621.


Georgeac, O. & Rattan, A. (2019). Progress in women’s representation in top leadership weakens people’s disturbance with gender inequality in other domains. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148, 1435-1453.

  • Finalist, 2020 Responsible Research in Management Award, Academy of Management


Rattan, A. (2019). How lay theories (or mindsets) shape the confrontation of prejudice. In R.K. Mallett & M.J. Monteith (Eds.) Confronting Prejudice and Discrimination: The Science of Changing Minds and Behaviors. Elsevier. 


Madan, S., Basu, S., Rattan, A., & Savani, K. (2019). Support for Resettling Refugees: The Role of Fixed Versus Growth Mind-Sets. Psychological science, DOI: 0956797618813561.

  • Finalist (top 20), 2020 Research Prize in Public Interest Communications, Center for Public Interest Communications


Georgeac, O.*, Rattan, A.*, & Effron, D. (2018). Did the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Influence Gender Bias in the U.S.? Social Psychological and Personality Science. DOI: 10.1177/1948550618776624


Rattan, A., Savani, S., Komarraju, M., Morrison, M., Boggs, C.L., & Ambady, N. (2018). Meta-lay theories of scientific potential drive STEM sense of belonging. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115, 54-75.


Rattan, A. & Dweck, C.S. (2018). What happens after prejudice in the workplace? How minorities’ mindsets affect their outlook on future social relations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103, 676-687.


Wilton, L., Rattan, A., & Sanchez, D. (2017). White’s perceptions of biracial individuals’ race shift when biracials speak out against bias. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1948550617731497.


Savani, K.*, Rattan, A.*, & Dweck, C. (2017). Is education a fundamental right or a scarce resource? Beliefs about intellectual potential shape people’s positions on education. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 0146167217711935.


Rattan, A., Steele, J., & Ambady, N. (2017). Identical applicant but different outcomes: The impact of gender versus race salience in hiring. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 1368430217722035.


Brands, R.A., Rattan, A., Ibarra, H. (2017). Underrepresentation, social networks, and sense of belonging to organizational leadership domains. Academy of Management Proceedings, 1, 12798.


Rattan, A. & Georgeac, O. (2017). Understanding intergroup relations through the lens of implicit theories (mindsets) of malleability. Social Personality Psychology Compass.


Rattan, A. & Georgeac, O. (2017). Mindsets about malleability and intergroup relations. (pg. 127-156). In C. Zedelius, B. Mueller, J. Schooler (Eds.). The Science of Lay Theories – How Beliefs Shape Our Cognition, Behavior, and Health. Springer.


Rattan, A., Savani, K., Chugh, D., Dweck, C.S. (2015). Leveraging mindsets to promote academic achievement: Policy recommendations. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10, 721-726.


Rattan, A. & Ambady, N. (2014). How “It gets better”: Effectively communicating support to targets of prejudice. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 555-566.


Rattan, A. & Ambady, N. (2013). Diversity ideologies and intergroup relations: An Examination of Colorblindness and Multiculturalism. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 12-21.


Rattan, A.*, Savani, K.*, Naidu, N.V. R., & Dweck, C.S. (2012). Can Everyone Become Intelligent? Belief in a Universal Potential for Intelligence Increases Support for Affirmative Action and Educational Equality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103, 787-803.


Savani, K.S.* & Rattan, A.* (2012). Explaining Americans' acceptance and maintenance of wealth inequality. Psychological Science, 7, 796-804.


Rattan, A., Levine, C.S., Dweck, C.S., Eberhardt, J.L. (2012). Race and the Fragility of the Legal Distinction between Juveniles and Adults. PLoS ONE, 7, e36680.


Carr, P.B., Rattan, A., & Dweck, C.S. (2012). Implicit Theories Shape Intergroup Relations. In P. Devine and A. Plant (Eds.) Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 127-165.


Rattan, A., Good, C., & Dweck, C.S. (2012). “It’s ok - not everyone can be good at math:”

Instructors with an entity theory comfort (and demotivate) students. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 731-737.


Good, C., Rattan, A., & Dweck, C.S. (2012). Why Do Women Opt Out? Sense of Belonging and Women’s Representation in Mathematics. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102, 700-717.


London, B., Romero-Canyas, R., Downey, G., Rattan, A., & Tyson, D. (2012). Sensitivity to Gender-Based Rejection: Implications for psychological well-being and coping. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102, 961-979.


Rattan, A. & Dweck, C.S. (2010). Who confronts prejudice? The role of implicit theories in the motivation to confront prejudice. Psychological Science, 21, 952-959.


Rattan, A. & Eberhardt, J.L. (2010). The role of social meaning in inattentional blindness: When the gorillas in our midst do not go unseen. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 1085-1088.


Liu, Z., Rattan, A., & Savani, K. Reducing the gender bias in perceptions of leadership capability and leader selection: Role of managers implicit theories about the universality of leadership potential. (2nd R&R, no new data, Journal of Applied Psychology).


Kern, M., Rattan, A., & Chugh, D. When will people opt in to reading about bias? The roles of a growth mindset and reminder of societal implications. (Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin).


Brands, R., Rattan, A. & Huang, L. “I feel connected.”: The effect of network embeddedness on social identity threat amongst women entrepreneurs. (to be submitted to Journal of Experimental Psychology: General).


Brands, R.*, & Rattan, A.* When do women achieve social network brokerage? Belonging at the beginning bridges the gender gap. (to be submitted to Journal of Personality and Social Psychology).


Lin, E. & Rattan, A. Mindsets about emotion shape mental health and job search outlook during employment uncertainty. (to be submitted to Academy of Management Journal).


Rattan, A. & Savani, K. A bridge to role model identification across race and gender boundaries: The universal mindset. (to be submitted to Psychological Science).


Savani, K.*, Langdon, J.*, Kouchaki, M., & Rattan, A. Universal versus nonuniversal beliefs about moral potential: Implications for unethical behavior. (to be submitted to Journal of Personality and Social Psychology).


Georgeac, O. & Rattan, A. (2022). Stop making the business case for diversity. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, June 15.

  • Featured in IdeaWatch, Harvard Business Review Magazine, September-October 2022.


Rattan, A. (2020). Your boss made a biased comment. Should you confront them? Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, December 22.


Brands, R. & Rattan, A. (2020). Use your social network as a tool for social justice. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, July 13.


Rattan, A., Chilazi, S., Georgeac, O., & Bohnet, I. (2019). Tackling the underrepresentation of women in the media. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, June 6.


Georgeac, O. & Rattan, A. (2019). When People See More Women at the Top, They’re Less Concerned About Gender Inequality Elsewhere. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, March 8.


Rattan, A. (2018). When confronting a biased comment can increase your sense of belonging at work. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, May 4.


Chilazi, S.*, Rattan, A.*, & Georgeac, O.A.M. (2020). Ros Atkins and the 50:50 Project at the BBC.

  • Finalist, Outstanding Case Writer 2022, The Case Centre Awards and Competitions


Ibarra, H., Rattan, A., Johnson, A. (2018). Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset. London Business School. (Bestseller, The Case Centre, 2020, 2021).

  • Winner, Outstanding Case Writer 2020, The Case Centre Awards and Competitions


Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition

Associate Editor, 2023 – 2026.

Editorial Board Member, 2019 – 2022.


Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

Associate Editor, 2021 – 2023.


Social Personality Psychology Compass, Diversity & Culture Section

Associate Editor, 2018 – 2023.


Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Editorial Board Member, 2020 – present.


Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

Editorial Board Member, 2021 – present.


Personality and Social Psychology Review

Editorial Board Member, 2022-present.


Fellow, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2022.

Excellence in Teaching Award, London Business School, 2022.

Finalist, The Case Centre Awards and Competitions for Ros Atkins and the 50:50 Project at the BBC (with Siri Chilazi and Oriane Georgeac), 2022.

Fellow, Association for Psychological Science, 2022.

Overall Winner, The Case Centre Awards and Competitions for Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset (with Herminia Ibarra), 2020.

Society for Personality and Social Psychology SAGE Young Scholar Award, 2019

Thinkers50 Radar List, Thinkers50 Radar Award Finalist, 2019

Member, Society for Experimental Social Psychology, 2017

Junior Faculty Research Award, London Business School, 2017

Rising Star Award, Association for Psychological Science, 2017

Core Teaching Award, 2016 (Selected by the MBA 2017 graduating class)

Dissertation Award Finalist, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 2012

Psychology Summer Institute Fellow, American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship Program, 2012

Department of Psychology Graduate Teaching Award, Stanford University, 2008

GRANTS & FELLOWSHIPS (pre-2013 available upon request)

Leadership Institute, London Business School, 2023 (£15,000 awarded with Ee Hwee Lau, £15,000 awarded with Eva Lin)

Leadership Institute, London Business School, 2021 (£7,000 awarded with Julia Langdon)

Leadership Institute, London Business School, 2021 (£12,300 awarded across 3 grants, to self, with Eva Lin, with Ezgi Ozgumus)

Leadership Institute, London Business School, 2018 (£15,000 awarded)

Leadership Institute, London Business School, 2016 (£15,000 awarded, with Oriane Georgeac)

Leadership Institute, London Business School, 2015 (£15,000 awarded)

Aditya Birla India Center, London Business School, 2015 (£10,000 awarded)

Research Grant, HopeLab, 2014 ($4,500 awarded)

National Research Service Award (F32-NRSA), NIH-National Institute of Child and Human Development, 2013 (award declined for faculty position)

INVITED TALKS (pre-2013 available upon request)

Nord Business School, October, 2022.

The Research Council of Norway, September 2022.

Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth University, March 2022.

Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, October 2021.

University of Toronto, Rotman School of Business, 2021.

University of California at Berkeley, Haas School of Business, 2021.

Washington University St. Louis, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, 2021.

University of Kent, School of Psychology, 2021.

University of Pittsburgh, Department of Psychology, 2021.

Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business, 2020.

Yale School of Management, 2020.

University of Kent, 2019.

FT Women at the Top, 2019

Behavioural Exchange, 2019.

Cheltenham Science Festival, 2019.

Ascend Summit, 2019

Columbia Business School, 2019.

Cognition Seminar, University College London, 2019.

Insead (Fontainebleau), January 2019.

Department of Psychology, Exeter University, 2019.

Workplace and Gender Equality Research Programme Seminar, UK Government Equalities Office, 2018.

Behavioural Insights Team, London, 2018.

The European House – Ambrosetti Global Future of Leadership Conference, 2018

Harvard Kennedy School of Public Policy Conference on Gender & Technology: Debiasing Tech, 2018

Insead Women at Work Conference, 2018

Environmental Defense Fund, 2017

Harvard Kennedy School of Public Policy, Women and Public Policy Program, 2017

University College London, 2017

George Washington University, 2016

Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy, Princeton University, 2016

Harvard Business School Gender Institute, 2016

Columbia University Department of Psychology, 2016

Leadership Institute Conference, London Business School, 2016.

London Business School Women in Business Conference, 2016, Opening Address.

Center for Leadership, Ethics, and Diversity, University of Sussex, 2014.

University of Exeter, June 2014.

National University of Singapore Business School, March 2014.

INSEAD Singapore Brownbag Seminar, March 2014.

Singapore University of Technology and Design, March, 2014.

Clinical Leaders Forum, National Health Service, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay, United Kingdom, November 2013. 

Nevada State College, October, 2013.

University of Chicago, January, 2013.

Pennsylvania State University, January, 2013.

London Business School, January, 2013.

MIT Sloan School of Management, January, 2013.

Yale School of Management, January, 2013.


Academy of Management

Association for Psychological Science (Fellow, 2022)

Society for Experimental Social Psychology (Member, 2017)

Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Fellow, 2022)


Mindsets & Organisational Transformation Conference, March, 2019, London Business School. Co-organized with Herminia Ibarra.

CHAIRED CONFERENCE SYMPOSIA (pre-2013 available upon request)

Rattan, A. & Ibarra, H. (2019). Growth mindsets transform organizational cultures: Impact on collaboration, burnout, bias, & equity. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. (2019). Four motivational interventions to foster persistence, belonging, and interdisciplinary thinking in STEM. Presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Conference.


Georgeac, O. & Rattan, A. (2018). Business or fairness case for social issues? Influencing stakeholders in organizations. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. (2018). Mindsets about malleability shape intergroup relations. Presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. & Georgeac, O. (2017). Making a case for diversity it organizations: Pros, cons, and complexities. Academy of Management Annual Conference.


Rattan A. & Adams, G. (2016). Understanding nonverbal organizational behavior. Academy of Management Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. & Wilmot, M. (2016). Integrating social networks approaches into intergroup relations research. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. & Savani, K. (2014). New insights into wage inequality: evidence from experimental and field studies across nations. Academy of Management Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. & Ehrlinger, J. (2014). New directions in research on implicit theories. Association for Psychological Science.


Rattan, A. (2013). Promoting diversity in the real world: What works? Society for Experimental Social Psychology Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. (2013). How much inequality is too much inequality? Exploring attitudes toward disparities in health, wealth, education, and gender. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference.

CONFERENCE TALKS (pre-2013 available upon request)

(Conference talks presented by co-authors available by request.)


Rattan, A. (2022). Teaching DEI PDW: The gender pay gap exercise. Talk presented, panelist, and roundtable leader at the Academy of Management Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. (2022). Mindsets in context: Theoretical and empirical considerations for studying mindsets in organizational contexts. Talk presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. (2022). Confronting bias at work. Invited talk presented at the Women in Leadership Conference, University of St. Gallen (Switzerland).


Rattan, A. (2022). Can malleability mindsets help improve intergroup relations? Invited talk presented at the Self and Identity Pre-Conference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. (2022). Giving a Great Talk. Invited talk for early career researchers presented at the Society for Experimental Social Psychology Annual Conference.


Rattan, A., Kroeper, K., Arnett, R., Brown, X., & Murphy, M. (2021). Not Such a Complainer Anymore: Confrontation that Signals a Growth Mindset can Attenuate Backlash. Talk presented at the Society for Experimental Social Psychology Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. & Brands, R. (2021). Sense of Belonging Predicts Women’s (but not Men’s) Position in Organizational Friendship Networks. Talk presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. (2021). Judging You for Confronting Me. Invited talk presented at the Justice & Morality Pre-Conference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. (2020). The growth mindset and prejudice confrontation: Benefits and Limitations. Talk presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. (2019). Bettering organizations after overt bias: Mindsets & the confrontation of biased statements in the workplace. Talk presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. & Savani, K. (2019). STEM potential meta-lay theories bridge the identification gap between outgroup role models and stigmatized individuals. Talk presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. & Georgeac, O. (2019). Progress in women’s representation in top leadership weakens people’s disturbance with gender inequality in other domains. Talk presented at the Society for the Study of Motivation Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. & Brands, R. (2019). Centrality in social networks increases women’s intentions to confront sexism. Talk presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. (2019). Mentoring graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in social and personality psychology. Invited professional development panel presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. & Georgeac, O. (2019). Keeping sexism modern: How current events shape the expression of gender bias. Invited talk presented at the Gender Preconference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. & Brands, R. (2018). Social network centrality empowers women to confront sexism. Talk presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. (2018). Mindsets and prejudice confrontation: Boundaries and benefits of a growth mindset. Talk presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. (2017). Addressing gender bias in the global workplace: Preferences and Norms. Talk presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. & Georgeac, O. (2017). Does celebrating women’s advancements heighten or reduce concerns about gender discrimination? Talk presented at the Harvard Business School Gender & Work Symposium.


Rattan, A. & Brands, R. (2016). Evidence of accurate thin slice perceptions of social network positions. Talk presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. (2016). Addressing gender bias in the global workplace: Cultural preferences and norms. Talk presented at the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology Annual Conference.


Rattan, A., Savani, K., & Romero-Canyas, R. (2016). Culturally-Relevant Frames Increase Indian Consumers’ Willingness to Purchase Carbon Offsets. Talk presented at the China-India Insights Conference.


Rattan, A., & Brands, R. (2016). A cognitive social network theory of women’s interpersonal responses to prejudice in the workplace. Talk presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference.


Rattan, A., Steele, J., & Ambady, N. (2014). It’s all in their heads: The impact of gender vs. race salience on the wage gap. Talk presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference.


Rattan, A., Boggs, C., & Ambady, N. (2014). Perceptions that undermine vs. promote underrepresented students’ sense of belonging in scientific research careers. Talk presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference.


Rattan, A. & Dweck, C.S. (2014). The consequences of confronting prejudice for minority-majority social interactions. Talk presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Conference.


Rattan, A., Boggs, C., & Ambady, N. (2014). Underrepresented students’ perceptions of professors’ scientific aptitude beliefs predict sense of belonging in scientific research careers. Talk presented at the Society for the Study of Motivation Annual Conference.

TEACHING (pre-2013 available upon request)

Diversity Science for Leaders, Fall 2021-present (new elective, first diversity course at LBS).

Negotiations & Bargaining, London Business School, Summer 2020-present.

Personal Assessment & Development, London Business School, Fall 2020-present.

Ph.D. Seminar on Threatened Social Identities, 2018

Unconscious Bias & Diversity, Masters of Financial Analysis, London Business School, 2018-present.

Global Business Assignment, South Africa, 2017.

Global Leadership Assessment for Managers, London Business School, Fall 2014-present.

Managing Organizational Behavior, London Business School, Spring 2014-2018.

SERVICE TO THE FIELD (pre-2013 available upon request)

Diversity and Climate Committee Member, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2021-present.

Shapiro Awards Panel Member, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2020-present.

Best Paper Award Committee Member, OB Division, Academy of Management, 2021.

Grant Reviewer, The Research Foundation, Flanders, 2018

NSF Ad-hoc Grant Reviewer, 2016

Review Panelist, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2015

Program Committee, Society for the Study of Motivation 2015 Annual Conference


Academy of Management Journal (AMJ)

Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ)

Basic and Applied Social Psychology (BASP)

European Journal of Social Psychology (EJSP)

Group Processes and Intergroup Relations (GPIR)

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (JCCP)

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (JESP)

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (JEP:G)

Journal of Management Studies

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (JPSP)

Management Science

Organization Science (Org Sci)

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP)

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (PSPB)

Perspectives on Psychological Science (PPS)

Psychological Science (PS)

Psychology of Women Quarterly (PWQ)

Science Advances

Sex Roles

Social Influence

Social Justice Research (SJR)

Time-Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences (TESS)

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